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Stair Lift Installation Services

Whether you have mobility issues as a result of age or due to an illness, injury, or disability, climbing up stairs can be quite challenging. For some, it can even be dangerous. However, there is no reason why someone with accessibility issues shouldn’t be able to live comfortably at home. HandyPro is here to help. We are a handyman service that also offers ADA-compliant home modification solutions. One of the best ways to safely ascend and descend stairs is with a stair lift.

Our Certified Craftsmen can help you find the best option for your home and needs and then safely and professionally install it on your indoor or outdoor staircase.

Stair lifts are modern lifts that safely take users up and down stairs. They are also sometimes referred to as chairlifts. Depending on the type of staircase you have, these chairs use a rail that is either freestanding or affixed to a wall. There are several different styles and types of stair lifts and we have experience installing them on both straight and spiral staircases. If you think a stair lift will help make your life a little bit easier, reach out to our home modification team so that we can help you navigate your options.

Over Two Decades of Experience

When it comes to ADA-compliant home modifications and accessibility solutions, turn to the team that has more than 25 years of experience helping people just like you. We understand how stressful it can be to struggle to navigate your home and want to help you stay right where you belong. Our Certified Craftsmen have the experience and knowledge needed to install your chair the right way. A professional installation is the only way to ensure safe and continuous operation. We’ll install your new lift, show you how to use it, and answer any questions you may have. Best of all, our products and services are backed by our HandyPro Delightment Guarantee.

HandyPro wants to give you more time to make memories. Reach out to us today at (248) 780-8950 to schedule a free home modification estimate!

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